Anger sucks. None of us want to feel it, and yet we do. There is enough in the world to be angry about. The best definition of anger that I’ve come across is by Dr. Brené Brown: [A]nger is an emotion that we feel when something gets in the way of… Continue reading You Are Entitled to Your Anger
Why Good Intentions Can Reinforce Racism and Hate.
Here’s what I hear a lot from well-meaning leaders of organizations who have offended staff when it comes to racism and hate: “That’s not my intention.” There’s a look on the offended person’s face that’s judgmental, dismissive, or angry. Their response is a variation of this: You’re not listening to what I’ve… Continue reading Why Good Intentions Can Reinforce Racism and Hate.
Who’s Taking Care of You?
I know you know all the habits to make decisions for a good life and career. But we can slip sometimes. Sometimes, your boundaries crumble. Sometimes old, familiar, but less-than-helpful habits return. It happens. Take a break. Regroup. Reflect on the question: Who’s taking care of you? Perhaps you… Continue reading Who’s Taking Care of You?
Outputs and Outcomes
Getting what you want isn’t just about doing, it’s about making sure that what you do supports you in getting what you want. Ask yourself: Is what I’m doing today going to support me in getting what I want in my career and life? If the question is hard to answer consider this:… Continue reading Outputs and Outcomes
Microdose on Rest
Even though we know better, we still think working longer means being committed, caring, and doing a good job. But when we work 11 to 15-hour days, and the “break” is caregiving for ourselves (i.e., doctor’s appointments, groceries, house or car maintenance) and others (taking care of children, partners, elders, and friends), how do… Continue reading Microdose on Rest
Rest. Recover. Nourish.
There is something we all secretly are asking for. But we don’t know how to get it or we deny ourselves of it. It’s rest, recovery, and nourishment. Amidst wars, natural disasters, systemic colonization and discrimination, and a general sense of insecurity it is understandable that many of us feel time is of the… Continue reading Rest. Recover. Nourish.