We are regressing when it comes to human rights and the ability to make a living with our dignity intact. When you believe in anti-racism, women’s rights, and equity for all, it’s understandable to feel one or all of the following: Denial: Feeling shock, disbelief, panic, or confusion Anger: Blaming yourself, blaming… Continue reading Survival Skills for a Regressive Era
From Dehumanization to Humanization
How Does it Begin? Dehumanization starts inconspicuously. It starts with a disagreement on what people believe is true and what is fact. For example, there’s a common disagreement about MERITOCRACY. “Meritocracy allows for equal opportunity” vs. “Meritocracy contributes to increasing inequality.” Regardless of the opinion, a slippery slope to… Continue reading From Dehumanization to Humanization
Fitting In Vs. Belonging
DEI, IDEA, EDIAA – What is the desired outcome of these initiatives? It’s to feel like you belong instead of being made to feel like you need to fit in. When I consult or train on DEI and anti-racism, a common worry is: But that means people can do and behave however… Continue reading Fitting In Vs. Belonging
How to Disagree
Want a promotion? Want to get buy-in for your idea from your team or boss? Want to change structures in Human Resources for true equity, diversity, and inclusion? Well, you need to learn how to disagree and self-advocate. Ways of Disagreeing That Don’t Work. Being able to disagree doesn’t… Continue reading How to Disagree
Resilience Defined
I’d leave yoga sessions angry and crying. This was after a couple of tough assignments overseas. Governments collapsed, riots on the streets, and colleagues disappeared. I came home full of anger and sadness. I resentfully started doing yoga. It helped viscerally release emotions I couldn’t otherwise let go of. I started… Continue reading Resilience Defined
You Are Entitled to Your Anger
Anger sucks. None of us want to feel it, and yet we do. There is enough in the world to be angry about. The best definition of anger that I’ve come across is by Dr. Brené Brown: [A]nger is an emotion that we feel when something gets in the way of… Continue reading You Are Entitled to Your Anger