Survival Skills for a Regressive Era

  We are regressing when it comes to human rights and the ability to make a living with our dignity intact.   When you believe in anti-racism, women’s rights, and equity for all, it’s understandable to feel one or all of the following:   Denial: Feeling shock, disbelief, panic, or confusion Anger: Blaming yourself, blaming… Continue reading Survival Skills for a Regressive Era

From Dehumanization to Humanization

  How Does it Begin?   Dehumanization starts inconspicuously.   It starts with a disagreement on what people believe is true and what is fact.   For example, there’s a common disagreement about MERITOCRACY.   “Meritocracy allows for equal opportunity” vs. “Meritocracy contributes to increasing inequality.”   Regardless of the opinion, a slippery slope to… Continue reading From Dehumanization to Humanization

Resilience Defined

I’d leave yoga sessions angry and crying.   This was after a couple of tough assignments overseas. Governments collapsed, riots on the streets, and colleagues disappeared. I came home full of anger and sadness.   I resentfully started doing yoga.   It helped viscerally release emotions I couldn’t otherwise let go of.   I started… Continue reading Resilience Defined