Why Good Intentions Can Reinforce Racism and Hate.

  Here’s what I hear a lot from well-meaning leaders of organizations who have offended staff when it comes to racism and hate: “That’s not my intention.”   There’s a look on the offended person’s face that’s judgmental, dismissive, or angry.   Their response is a variation of this: You’re not listening to what I’ve… Continue reading Why Good Intentions Can Reinforce Racism and Hate.

Microdose on Rest

Even though we know better, we still think working longer means being committed, caring, and doing a good job.    But when we work 11 to 15-hour days, and the “break” is caregiving for ourselves (i.e., doctor’s appointments, groceries, house or car maintenance) and others (taking care of children, partners, elders, and friends), how do… Continue reading Microdose on Rest

How to Receive An Apology

We all want an apology when we feel we’ve been wronged.   We’re also clear about what we want from an apology; to be specific, meaningful, and timely.   But what about how we receive it?   What’s our role as the person receiving the apology and how does it affect the resolution to conflict?… Continue reading How to Receive An Apology