I have witnessed the RAGE of women. Ashley Judd epitomized this when reciting the words of Nina Donovan at the Women’s March on January 21, 2017. With those words I recognized my women friends, colleagues, strangers and myself. As much as we have tried to drown, ignore, or work through the RAGE, it is still… Continue reading Rage
My Story: The Conflict Within.
A few years ago I found myself being interviewed for a job in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I was struggling back then. I literally lived from pay-cheque to pay-cheque chasing after the next gig to keep myself going. My savings had been depleted. I moved around like a nomad not only within… Continue reading My Story: The Conflict Within.
Something more dangerous than the President-elect (and how a conflict resolution approach can help).
Since Wednesday November 9th (2016) I’ve been practicing something that I preach: Pausing. Being Curious. Reflecting. Observing. Actively listening. My circle of friends and colleagues all seem to be on the same page about one thing: The result of the elections in the United States will have dire consequences not only for the country but… Continue reading Something more dangerous than the President-elect (and how a conflict resolution approach can help).
One Way To Build Your Resilience.
Experiencing something upsetting or traumatic, whether in our work or personal life, immediately makes many people recoil and isolate themselves. We suck it up. We decide it’s better to be on our own. No connection means not getting hurt. We’re protecting ourselves. The more I learn about emotion, memory and suffering, the more I realize… Continue reading One Way To Build Your Resilience.
How to Get Someone To Listen To You.
A friend of mine says, when it comes to conflicts, “We all want to be heard but no one wants to listen.” So how do you get to be heard? Part of the answer is this: Acknowledgement. You may have just rolled your eyes. I know I likely did when I first heard this. I… Continue reading How to Get Someone To Listen To You.
How To Deal With Stupid.
We’ve all been there. We roll our eyes. Huff. Puff. Mutter under our breath. Verbally or silently we conclude that someone we have had to deal with is stupid. Oh the satisfaction of coming to that conclusion! Except… We end up having to deal with the same issues again. The only thing that changes is… Continue reading How To Deal With Stupid.