Lead By Action

“Everyone wants to be heard and no one wants to listen.” My friend and colleague has said this for years.   He’s right. Let’s face it, if we’re honest with ourselves, we know that there is a thought planted firmly in our minds: “I’m right. You are wrong. You need to listen to me. I… Continue reading Lead By Action


I have witnessed the RAGE of women. Ashley Judd epitomized this when reciting the words of Nina Donovan at the Women’s March on January 21, 2017. With those words I recognized my women friends, colleagues, strangers and myself. As much as we have tried to drown, ignore, or work through the RAGE, it is still… Continue reading Rage

Something more dangerous than the President-elect (and how a conflict resolution approach can help).

Since Wednesday November 9th (2016) I’ve been practicing something that I preach: Pausing. Being Curious. Reflecting. Observing. Actively listening. My circle of friends and colleagues all seem to be on the same page about one thing: The result of the elections in the United States will have dire consequences not only for the country but… Continue reading Something more dangerous than the President-elect (and how a conflict resolution approach can help).