Finding Resilience in The Eye of the Storm

Emergencies, crises and self-isolation create the perfect storm to focus on everything that is going wrong in the world and in your life. And the thing is it’s legitimate. This is not you having a self-pity party. It is understandable for frustration and despair to creep in even when you have the best of intentions.… Continue reading Finding Resilience in The Eye of the Storm

How You Can Make Gender Equality a Reality!

  I feel a mix of emotions every time International Women’s day comes up.   Part of me is thankful. Thankful to the women who paved the way for me to enjoy the privileges and rights I have today. Thankful to those who continue to fight the fight now. It’s not perfect living where I… Continue reading How You Can Make Gender Equality a Reality!

What’s Necessary for Allyship Among Women

August 19th is World Humanitarian Day. In 2019 it celebrates women humanitarian aid workers and their contribution. For me, it is also a time to reflect on how they can help each other persevere. Women humanitarian aid workers operate in complex work environments exacerbated by the conditions that led to the #MeToo and #Aidtoo movements. There… Continue reading What’s Necessary for Allyship Among Women