What’s Missing The perfect storm has been created by the most unfortunate circumstances to get the world to a point where it is undeniable that Black Lives Matter and equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are not opt-ins, but mandatory conditions in work and in life. Period. Individuals, organizations and governments are demonstrating acknowledgement, hope and… Continue reading 1 Guaranteed Way to Make Equity, Inclusion & Diversity a Reality
Category: Conflict Transformation & Communication
What Do We Do Now? A call to action for the lives of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC)
When I learned of what happened to George Floyd I lost my words. I was infuriated and deeply, overwhelmingly sad. I still am. Like many of us are taught to do, my first reaction was to suck up my emotions and get to action but thankfully my process of unlearning the unhealthy actions that chip… Continue reading What Do We Do Now? A call to action for the lives of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC)
Finding Resilience in The Eye of the Storm
Emergencies, crises and self-isolation create the perfect storm to focus on everything that is going wrong in the world and in your life. And the thing is it’s legitimate. This is not you having a self-pity party. It is understandable for frustration and despair to creep in even when you have the best of intentions.… Continue reading Finding Resilience in The Eye of the Storm
From Paralysis to Progress
Making good decisions has never been easy and yet, as we work and live in the context of a pandemic, it feels more important than ever to “get it right” the first time. You’ve likely noticed this feeling brings increased anxiety, confusion or sense of paralysis. The last thing you want to do is make… Continue reading From Paralysis to Progress
How You Can Make Gender Equality a Reality!
I feel a mix of emotions every time International Women’s day comes up. Part of me is thankful. Thankful to the women who paved the way for me to enjoy the privileges and rights I have today. Thankful to those who continue to fight the fight now. It’s not perfect living where I… Continue reading How You Can Make Gender Equality a Reality!
Tame Your Fears. Elevate Your Voice!
I know it’s not easy to speak up especially when you fear that you will hurt someone or be on the receiving end of rejection, shame or anger. I still have days where I think, “If I speak my mind I will hurt some people or piss them off or not be taken seriously or… Continue reading Tame Your Fears. Elevate Your Voice!