Have you ever attended a meeting prepared to speak of an identified risk, solutions and options to move forward but: You are promptly dismissed? Your idea is attributed to someone else? Your suggestions are scuttled by a colleague advocating for a different approach? When it happens, do you find yourself unnerved? Do you try to… Continue reading The Strategy to Address Conflict, Sabotage and Invisibility in Meetings
Category: Conflict Transformation & Communication
4 Tips to Get The Job You Want in Humanitarian Aid & International Development.
As a coach and trainer for humanitarian aid and international development workers, I get a lot of questions about how to get the “dream job” in this field. Many times folks want a quick answer. There are, of course, no quick answers. There are, however, four tips that will set you in the right direction. 1)… Continue reading 4 Tips to Get The Job You Want in Humanitarian Aid & International Development.
Mindful Communication – Podcast
Working in humanitarian aid is rewarding but you can feel disconnected, burnt-out and frustrated. I know. I’ve been there. Have a listen as I discuss with Brigid what humanitarian aid workers need to feel connected, grounded and resilient. Click here to listen to the podcast: Mindful Communication After listening, think of one action you can… Continue reading Mindful Communication – Podcast
Why Women Undermine Women & What To Do About It.
The Problem: The Workplace I read an article recently on why some women undermine other women in the workplace. I was struck by the conclusion: Women undermine other women not so much because of gender but because of workplace conditions. I disagree. Some women undermine other women because of the influence of patriarchy and impact… Continue reading Why Women Undermine Women & What To Do About It.
I have witnessed the RAGE of women. Ashley Judd epitomized this when reciting the words of Nina Donovan at the Women’s March on January 21, 2017. With those words I recognized my women friends, colleagues, strangers and myself. As much as we have tried to drown, ignore, or work through the RAGE, it is still… Continue reading Rage
Something more dangerous than the President-elect (and how a conflict resolution approach can help).
Since Wednesday November 9th (2016) I’ve been practicing something that I preach: Pausing. Being Curious. Reflecting. Observing. Actively listening. My circle of friends and colleagues all seem to be on the same page about one thing: The result of the elections in the United States will have dire consequences not only for the country but… Continue reading Something more dangerous than the President-elect (and how a conflict resolution approach can help).