Why Women Undermine Women & What To Do About It.

The Problem: The Workplace I read an article recently on why some women undermine other women in the workplace. I was struck by the conclusion: Women undermine other women not so much because of gender but because of workplace conditions. I disagree. Some women undermine other women because of the influence of patriarchy and impact… Continue reading Why Women Undermine Women & What To Do About It.

Feel It Through

Do you ever get so angry you can feel your throat close-up? Or you can feel the tears well up? Or you can actually feel yourself holding your breath? Do you just try to ignore the feeling and keep working? Ever think that crying at work would only makes you look weak? Even if no one… Continue reading Feel It Through

Lead By Action

“Everyone wants to be heard and no one wants to listen.” My friend and colleague has said this for years.   He’s right. Let’s face it, if we’re honest with ourselves, we know that there is a thought planted firmly in our minds: “I’m right. You are wrong. You need to listen to me. I… Continue reading Lead By Action