Since I started training and coaching 18 years ago, I have always had someone ask me: When is the right time for me to speak up? The simple and short answer is: When you feel something isn’t right. The long answer is: When you feel something isn’t right, you have the resilience to be… Continue reading When to Speak Up
How to Receive An Apology
We all want an apology when we feel we’ve been wronged. We’re also clear about what we want from an apology; to be specific, meaningful, and timely. But what about how we receive it? What’s our role as the person receiving the apology and how does it affect the resolution to conflict?… Continue reading How to Receive An Apology
3 Tips for Job Search Success!
Finding a job whether you are making a transition in your career or just starting out is deeply personal, courageous and humbling. When people come to me for career coaching – whether in the middle of their career, switching to an entirely new industry or just at the start – inevitably there are 3… Continue reading 3 Tips for Job Search Success!
Avoid Mistakes, Conflict & Regret with this!
Have you noticed how reactionary we are as human beings? There’s a tendency to “like” things or cancel people without a second thought. We feel an urgency to respond to every e-mail, text, and other notifications. In this context, the power of pausing can be overlooked. So, let’s shine a light… Continue reading Avoid Mistakes, Conflict & Regret with this!
How to Give Feedback Well
The need to give feedback is inevitable. Why? Because at the heart of feedback is the need to address and fix a problem. While the objective seems simple enough, giving feedback is not. How it is delivered has significant consequences. Delivered well it can create a sense of belonging, a commitment to… Continue reading How to Give Feedback Well
How to Believe You’re Doing Enough
It’s April. Just like that, we’re well into the year. It can be easy for us to ask: Where did the year go? Before panicking and wondering – “What have I accomplished? Did I do enough?” – I’m going to help you build and exercise your self-awareness muscle. Here’s why: You… Continue reading How to Believe You’re Doing Enough