Who’s Taking Care of You?

I know you know all the habits to make decisions for a good life and career.


But we can slip sometimes.


Sometimes, your boundaries crumble.


Sometimes old, familiar, but less-than-helpful habits return.


It happens.


Take a break. Regroup. Reflect on the question: Who’s taking care of you?


Perhaps you are. Perhaps others are. Perhaps everyone is kinda taking care of you. 


If this is the case, it’s time to ask yourself:


What do I need from me?
What do I need from others?


Then, follow through.




To be the:


–       effective, compassionate, inclusive leader
–       innovative, reliable staff member
–       present parent
–       loving partner
–       best friend
–       supportive child to their parent


So, if you need a break, give yourself one: a massage, 20 minutes of uninterrupted reading time, or a bath.


If you need to care for your anger, breathe in AND out.


Or, channel your fury. Work out. Paint. Dance. Be an activist.


If you need others to help you. Ask.


If you don’t know where to start, say so to someone you trust. It can look like this:


I don’t even know what to ask for. I’m so tired. Maybe suggest some help to me. I’m tired of trying to come up with solutions for everything. I’d love your help.


Look, we all have a vision of our ideal selves. To embody this ideal you need to:


–       Check in with yourself.
–       Avoid the trap of perfection.
–       Practice self-compassion.
–       Learn and try again.

A nod of respect from me to you.


You are taking the time and investing your energy to be empowered to make a difference.



N.B. Curious about my approach? Here’s what Vanessa had to say:


“You can’t hide from Jo. She wants you to be honest to yourself, before being honest to her. I liked how we could have a good jolly laugh about some of the things that were being shared. It helped take the pressure off. I also liked how it really felt like a safe environment. Her coaching is a journey, so if you start – you need to be ready for it. At the end of it, you will feel like you are your number one fan. And that’s all you really need.”


Want more support? Book a free meeting with me. Let’s explore how my coaching support can meet your needs.
