You Are Entitled to Your Anger

Anger sucks.

None of us want to feel it, and yet we do.

There is enough in the world to be angry about.

The best definition of anger that I’ve come across is by Dr. Brené Brown:

[A]nger is an emotion that we feel when something gets in the way of a desired outcome or when we believe there’s a violation of the way things should be.”

It’s an understandable and normal emotion to have.

But what do we do with it?


That decision is what results in ongoing conflict or innovative, sustainable solutions.

You can choose destructive anger or constructive anger.

Destructive anger is reactive and doesn’t care about the negative impacts on those receiving it.

Constructive anger is the ability to defend yourself without hostility or aggression. Dr. Kristen Neff says it best: It focuses on protection against harm and unfairness.

Which one will you choose today and every day?

Build your capacity for constructive anger to impact your life and those around you in a positive and meaningful way.


N.B. I can support you in articulating anger constructively. You don’t need to suck it up or lash out. Book a free info chat with me to learn more.


Curious about my approach? Here’s what an NGO working in Washington, DC, U.S.A had to say:


“When in conflict or in a difficult place professionally, we tend not to see the way out and tend to dig into our positions. This typically makes things worse. What Jo did was to open up options for me that I did not see or think possible. Even just by a simple change of attitude and intention in my interactions I was surprised at the results. I am very grateful to Jo for her example, advice and care that she showed throughout the process and for staying approachable and human the whole time.”



